I told Helen when she messaged me on Twitter, that I would write a review for her book when I ha finished reading it. It may have taken me longer than what I wanted, but real life sucks that way. Keeping me away from really good books and what not.
But before I do up my review, a little bit about the author and the book.
I whirl around towards the sound of the hiss, my sword drawn in front of me. But the sword is gone. I panic as I stare down at my bare hands, and when I look up again, there are so many of them that they're filling the street. They're running and rapidly closing in on me. Growling and snarling, their eyes pitch black, swirls of a collective deimos reaching for me...
Hope Gentry doesn't believe in fate. Born with an unusual power to see the dark memories of those around her, Hope just wants to be a normal teenager. But in her senior year of high school, she becomes entangled in the lives of mythical entities she never dreamed existed. Was this her destiny all along? And will her powers help her survive the evil of the Demon Impiorum?
Mythology isn't just for English class anymore.
Now I don't know about you guys, but that right there had me hooked! If you haven't read the novel yet, are you hooked?

Now a little bit about the author.
Helen Boswell is originally from upstate New York. She attended the University of Buffalo because it was far enough from home that she felt like an adult but close enough to home in case her laundry got out of control. After several enjoyable years of living in Buffalo, she escaped alive with her Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, against the original advice of her undergraduate advisor who told her that she should instead major in English. She teaches Biology at Southern Utah University and lives in Cedar City, Utah with her husband and two sons, and dog. Her move out west may be attributed to a series of serendipitous events, not Fate. This is her first novel.
And a wonderful first novel it is!
I've been told by someone, I cannot for the life of me remember who, that something interesting should happen within the first ten pages of a novel. Helen had no problem doing that. She did that in the one page Prologue. A short prologue, but it grab my curiosity like nothing has ever done before. I believe I even told Helen that.
Hope, the main character of Mythology has had a hard life and I really like the way that Helen played off that. Helen keeps her readers guessing with the twists and turns that she throws into the novel. Well played Helen! You kept me at the edge of my seat at the end of each chapter.
At the end of each chapter, I was always drawn back in, always wanting a little bit more. Helen really knows how to keep her readers wanting more. She writes so beautifully, and gives you the picture of a scene or a character perfectly. She has not only throw her characters into this story, but she threw me and many other readers in there as well. As I was reading Mythology, I felt as if I were actually there standing beside Hope, or on the side lines watching it all play out. There's no need for a movie, because I saw everything perfectly in my head. I don't remember reading any words, I just remember seeing the scenes flash one after the other.
I laughed out loud so many times, I believe I lost count. I think my room mate even called my out on laughing at a book. He just doesn't understand. Helen does. I've cried and screamed and held my breath. I've done just about everything a reader should do when reading a novel. Helen's first novel is amazing, and anyone who says otherwise really doesn't know what they're talking about.
Kudos Helen, on a fantastic first novel! I cannot wait for Mythology: The Wicked.
If you haven't had the chance to pick up the book, you can do so here at http://www.amazon.com/Mythology-Helen-Boswell/dp/1475210752/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1378799595&sr=1-1&keywords=mythology+helen+boswell
Also, you should follow Helen Boswell on Twitter. She's all sorts of AWESOME! https://twitter.com/HelenBozz
And while you're at it, be sure to check out the facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/mythologyseries
Since this is basically my first blog post about a book that wasn't part of a blog tour, I thought I would host a giveaway. It's an international giveaway, and one lucky person will win a paperback copy of Mythology.
a Rafflecopter giveaway